Chronic Diseases in Animals: A Comprehensive Guide

As with humans, many of our pets suffer from chronic illnesses .
Dogs and cats, but also many pets, are now part of the family and are cared for accordingly.
For animals and humans, chronic illnesses and their necessary treatments mean worry, stress, frustration and often a significant financial burden. The term "acute illness" is intended to make it clear that an illness only occurs temporarily (e.g. due to bacteria) and is completely healed after treatment. Unfortunately, any acute illness can develop into a chronic illness.

I would like a few examples :

  • Recurring inflammation of the ears in dogs (on one or both sides), whereby the time interval between healthy and sick is often significantly reduced.
  • Renal function impairments in cats are often discovered purely by chance and, above all, much too late.

Of course, there are many other chronic diseases: allergies, arthrosis, insufficient detoxification capacity of the liver, pancreatitis, tumors, etc.

Unfortunately, conventional medicine often only offers symptomatic treatments which, in the long term, often have significant side effects.

Experiences from human medicine and veterinary medicine have shown that additional treatment with alternative treatment methods can improve the quality of life of many patients.

By additionally using alternative treatment methods, the dose of conventional medicine can often be reduced or even a medication can be saved.

By the way, "alternative medicine" is not just homeopathy, there are many alternative treatment methods: acupuncture, autologous blood treatments, BioResonance, Horvi therapy, etc. Speak to
your veterinarian or look for a veterinarian who can save your animal's life through additional treatment and can make your own life easier.

Chronic diseases
Chronic diseases in animals 2

Basic information about chronic diseases in animals

Chronic diseases in animals are long-lasting and often progressive conditions that can impact the lives and well-being of our animal companions. It is important to detect these diseases early and treat them appropriately in order to maintain the quality of life of the affected animals and increase their life expectancy. In this article, we will examine the most common chronic diseases in animals, their causes and symptoms, and possible treatment options.

Chronic diseases : Arthritis in animals

Arthritis is an inflammatory joint disease that can cause pain, swelling, and stiffness. It often occurs in older animals, but can also affect younger animals. The symptoms of arthritis can cause the animal to have difficulty moving and jumping, especially after a period of rest.

Causes of Arthritis

  • Injuries or trauma
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Immune diseases
  • Wear and tear on joints over time

Treatment options for arthritis

  • Painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications
  • Weight management and exercise
  • Physiotherapy and rehabilitation
  • Joint protection and supports

Chronic diseases : Diabetes mellitus in animals

Diabetes mellitus, often referred to simply as "diabetes," is a metabolic disorder in which the body is unable to transport glucose (sugar) from the bloodstream into cells. This causes blood sugar levels to rise and can have serious health consequences.

Causes of diabetes in animals

  • Insulin resistance
  • Insufficient insulin production
  • Genetic factors
  • Hormonal disorders

Symptoms and treatment of diabetes

  • Frequent urination and thirst
  • Weight loss despite normal food intake
  • Weakness and tiredness
  • Treatment with insulin injections, diet management and regular blood sugar monitoring

Chronic kidney disease in animals

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a slowly progressive disease in which the kidneys gradually lose function. This results in their inability to remove waste products and excess water from the body, leading to a buildup of toxins in the blood.

Causes of chronic kidney disease

  • Congenital kidney malformations
  • Infections and inflammations
  • Toxic substances
  • Long-term medication

Symptoms and treatment of chronic kidney disease

  • Increased urination and thirst
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Treatment with diet management, fluid therapy, and medications to support kidney function

Chronic diseases : Heart diseases in animals

Heart disease in animals can occur in various forms, such as: B. congenital heart defects, acquired heart valve diseases or heart muscle diseases. They can significantly impact the animal's quality of life and, if left untreated, can be fatal.

Causes of Heart Disease in Animals

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Infections
  • Aging process
  • Diet-related factors

Symptoms and treatment of heart disease

  • Shortness of breath and cough
  • Limited performance
  • Weight loss and loss of appetite
  • Treatment with medications to support heart function, diet management, and regular heart examinations

Chronic diseases : allergies in animals

Allergies in animals are immunological reactions to certain substances that are usually harmless. They can cause skin irritation, digestive problems and respiratory problems.

Causes of allergies in animals

  • Environmental allergens such as pollen, mold and dust mites
  • Feed allergens
  • Insect bites
  • Contact allergens such as cleaning products or textiles

Symptoms and treatment of allergies

  • Itching, skin redness and hair loss
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Sneezing and coughing
  • Treat with allergy management, including avoidance of allergens, medications to relieve symptoms, and immunotherapy

Chronic diseases : prevention and management in animals

Prevention and management of chronic disease in animals is critical to maintaining the quality of life of our animal companions. Some measures pet owners can take include:

  • Regular vet visits for early detection of illnesses
  • A balanced diet and enough exercise
  • A stress-free home and social interactions
  • Vaccinations and parasite control

Chronic diseases : Current research on chronic diseases in animals

Research into chronic diseases in animals continues to evolve to improve understanding of causes, diagnosis and treatment options for our animal companions. Some current developments and advances in research on chronic animal diseases are presented below.

Stem cell therapy for arthritis

Stem cell therapy is an emerging treatment for arthritis in animals. It uses the regenerative properties of stem cells to repair damaged tissue and reduce inflammation. Studies have shown that stem cell therapy can successfully reduce pain and improve mobility in dogs and horses with arthritis.

New diagnostic methods for chronic kidney disease

Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial for the successful treatment of chronic kidney disease. Current research is focused on developing new biomarkers that make it possible to detect kidney disease at an earlier stage. This can help veterinarians take preventive measures before the disease progresses and causes irreparable damage.

Genomics research in heart disease

Genomic research is helping to better understand the genetic causes of heart disease in animals. By identifying specific genes and mutations that are linked to certain heart diseases, researchers may be able to develop targeted therapeutic approaches in the future and identify affected animals at an early stage.

Immunotherapy for allergies

Immunotherapy is a promising approach to treating allergies in animals. The animal's immune system is gradually accustomed to the allergen in order to reduce the overreaction of the immune system. Current studies are investigating the effectiveness of sublingual immunotherapies (SLIT) , in which the allergen is administered in the form of drops or tablets. This method has the potential to provide a safer and more convenient alternative to traditional injections.


Research into chronic diseases in animals is a dynamic and constantly evolving field. Through continued advances in diagnostic and treatment methods, veterinarians and pet owners can better meet the needs of their animal companions and improve their quality of life. It is important to stay up to date and put the latest knowledge into practice to ensure the best possible care for our animals.

Authors on chronic diseases : Dr.HD.Krause & Sven Jan Arndt

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