
Everything went well again...?
Man, that might have been something! At the beginning of May, an 11-year-old mixed-breed dog was presented to us with fever and pain. It became clear pretty quickly - there was something in my stomach. This enlargement in the back of the abdomen was punctured under ultrasound control and the pathologist confirmed the suspicion that it was a highly purulent, inflamed lymph node. Action had to be taken quickly because there was always the possibility that the pus would empty into the abdominal cavity. This would have put life in danger. ? The sweetheart was operated on quickly. And we actually saw this lump immediately after opening the abdominal cavity. After we had released the adhesions with the surrounding tissue, what we had suspected became certain: the posterior colon was involved. Ultimately, a large piece of colon had to be removed, which is technically not that easy and is generally associated with a higher risk of wound healing problems. We then had to keep our fingers crossed for a few days and after 4 days of hospitalization our patient was discharged. She recovered quickly with close monitoring and medication as well as loving care for her two-legged friends. ? Just in time for the stitches to be pulled, the pathologist came with the relieving news: it was really “just” an inflammation and not a tumor - but an unusually serious and rare event in which the inflammation had broken through the wall from the intestine. That could have ended badly...

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