Heart health

Electrocardiogram (EKG) and anesthesia protocols

Electrocardiogram and anesthesia protocols

Anesthesia plays a central role in veterinary care and is routinely used in both diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. The selection of the anesthesia protocol is crucial for the security and well -being of the patient. The electrocardiogram (EKG) has established itself as a valuable instrument for assessing the heart function and can help to identify potential risks at an early stage. This article illuminates what role the EKG plays in the pre -anesthetic examination, what knowledge provides current studies and how this findings can be implemented in practice.

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Heart disease in dogs

Heart disease in dogs

It's a frightening moment for dog owners when a diagnosis of heart disease is made. However, this diagnosis does not necessarily mean a shortened or poor quality life for your four-legged friend. Science and veterinary medicine have made great advances, and there are a variety of therapies and methods to improve the quality of life and length of life for dogs with heart disease.

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