
Epilepsy in cats

Epilepsy in cats

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by repeated seizures. In cats, this can be concerning and often difficult to diagnose. In this article, we will delve deeper into the different aspects of feline epilepsy to gain a better understanding of this condition.

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The uvea represents the vascular membrane of the eye and is made up of three main components: the iris (rainbow skin), the ciliary body and the choroid. The primary task of these structures is to ensure the blood vessel supply inside the eye. In medicine, the term “itis” refers to inflammation. Therefore, uveitis refers to the inflammation of these internal eye structures.

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Castration bitch

Castration bitch

Castration of female dogs and sterilization of female dogs are two different surgical procedures. While sterilization only involves cutting the fallopian tubes and thus preventing fertilization, castration involves removing the ovaries and sometimes also the uterus. Castration therefore not only has the effect of infertility, but also affects the bitch's hormonal balance.

There are medical reasons for spaying a dog, such as preventing certain diseases or complications related to the reproductive system. It can also help with certain behavioral problems, although the effect varies from dog to dog.

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