Online pharmacy for animals - a new trend in the USA - a critical appreciation

Analysis of the development of online pharmacies for veterinary clinics in the US area compared to German and European legislation

I. Introduction

The increasing use of online pharmacies for veterinary medicinal products in the USA shows both challenges and opportunities for veterinary practices. Price and comfort advantages drive the demand for online orders, while veterinary practices experience loss of income and administrative stress.
In European and German law, mail order business with veterinary medicines is regulated more strictly. Therefore, the question arises as to what effects a comparable development in Germany would have and which regulatory differences exist.

Online pharmacy for animals
Online pharmacy for animals 2

Image of Hosny Salah on Pixabay

II. Regulatory comparison: USA vs. Germany/EU

1. US situation - online pharmacy for animals

In the United States, online pharmacies for veterinary medicinal products are widespread. You benefit from a liberal market with less strict regulatory requirements. Tier owners have the choice between local veterinary practices and large online providers, with price and convenience being the main factors for the decision.

Challenges for veterinary practices:

  • Loss of income due to the loss of recipe sales
  • Additional administrative burden of over -the -counter release for external pharmacies
  • Restricted control over the quality and storage of the medication
  • Customer loyalty to practice is weakened


  • Possibility to establish your own online sales platforms
  • Targeted customer communication to strengthen appreciation for specialist advice
  • Offer of additional services to stand out from online competitors

2. German and European law - online pharmacy for animals

a) mail order with veterinary medicines

In Germany and the EU, mail order trade is subject to strict regulations with veterinary medicines:

  • Prescription veterinary medicines may not be sold online (Art. 104 Para. 6 Regulation (EU) 2019/6 via veterinary medicinal products).
  • Medicines that are not subject to prescription may be sold online under conditions (Art. 105 Regulation (EU) 2019/6).
  • Veterinary medicines subject to pharmacy may only be sold approved pharmacies
  • Quality assurance and pharmacovigilance are strictly regulated.

b) Veterinary medicine pharmacies and price binding

In Germany, veterinarians are entitled to conduct medicine chest This enables the direct sale of medicines to patient owners. However, you are subject to a legal price commitment for prescription drugs (§ 78 AMG).

c) Challenges for a comparable development in Germany

  • not be permitted in Germany , which significantly limits market growth of online pharmacies.
  • Price binding reduces the price competition, which means that animal owners cannot choose online orders solely for cost reasons.
  • Strict demands on storage, sales and advice make it difficult to enter online providers.
  • Veterinary practices in Germany have a stronger position because they can continue to submit medication directly through their medicine pharmacies.

d) opportunities and adaptation options for veterinarians in Germany

  • Remove digital services : In -house ordering platforms with collection or delivery could strengthen customer loyalty.
  • Emphasize the value of specialist advice : Customer communication on quality, security and expert advice is essential.
  • Clarify customers about the benefits of the practice pharmacy : the direct purchase in the veterinary practice ensures complete care and personal support.
  • Offer additional services : combination offers, e.g. B. Advice on medication, vaccinations or nutrition can increase practical attractiveness.

Comparison with human medicine: DocMorris and the online mail order company for veterinary medicines

In human medicine, online pharmacies such as DocMorris in Germany and the EU have already been established. This market was particularly able to develop through the liberalization of mail order with prescription human medicinal products (EU case law). The question is whether a comparable model would also be possible for veterinary medicinal products or whether the legal framework prevent this.

I. Legal comparison: Human vs. veterinary medicine trade

1. The DocMorris case and the online medicine shipping for people - online pharmacy for animals

Docmorris and other online pharmacies benefit from several legal developments:

  • European internal market and freedom of goods : The ECJ judgment of 2003 (Case C-322/01-DocMorris) confirmed that mail order pharmacies based in the EU are allowed to deliver prescription drugs to Germany under certain conditions.
  • Loosening of German regulations : In 2004, mail order business was legalized with prescription human medicinal products in Germany.
  • E-recipe as a further growth driver : The introduction of the electronic recipe facilitates processing for online pharmacies.

So DocMorris has benefited from a liberalized market and a high consumer confidence in online orders.

2. Why is there no "DocMorris" for veterinary medicinal products? - Online pharmacy for animals

a) Stricter EU rules for mail order companies with veterinary medicines

In contrast to human medicine, mail order business is prohibited in the EU with prescription veterinary medicines . This results from the Regulation (EU) 2019/6 on veterinary medicinal products , in particular:

  • Art. 104 Para. 6 : Prescription veterinary medicines may only be given "directly to the end user by a person authorized to submit" - that is, usually by veterinarians or approved pharmacies on site.
  • Art. 105 : The mail order company is only permitted for non -prescription veterinary medicines under strict requirements.

b) Protection of animal health and control of the pharmaceutical tax

The strict rules have several reasons:

  • Prevention of antibiotic resistance : The abuse of veterinary medicines (especially antibiotics) has a direct impact on public health.
  • Monitoring of treatment : Veterinarians should ensure that medication is used correctly.
  • Facility protection : Online sales harbors risks for inferior or fake medicines.

c) Restrictions through price binding

In Germany, prescription veterinary medicines are subject to a statutory price tie (§ 78 AMG) . This eliminates the price competition that gives online pharmacies in human medicine an advantage.

d) Missing economic incentives for large providers

Since only prescription veterinary medicines may be sold online, the market for large providers such as DocMorris is less attractive. Veterinary mediations only make a small share of the total turnover of pharmacies.

III. Could there be a "DocMorris for animals" in Europe?

1. Scenario of a possible liberalization - online pharmacy for animals

If EU law is revised, a comparable model could arise. The following changes would be necessary:

  • Cancellation of the shipping ban for prescription veterinary medicines in Art. 104 Para. 6 of the Regulation (EU) 2019/6.
  • Regulation through mandatory digital recipes for veterinarians (similar to the e-recipe in human medicine).
  • Security mechanisms for abuse and resistance formation , for example through central control of the tax.

2. Alternative models without a change in the law - online pharmacy for animals

Online pharmacies for veterinary medicinal products could also grow under the current rules:

  • Practical online pharmacies : Veterinarians could build their own digital order platforms.
  • Partnerships with local pharmacies : Pharmacies could cooperate with veterinary practices in order to offer online sales within the legal requirements.
  • Medicines that are not subject to prescription as a market segment : online pharmacies could concentrate on supplementary feed, deworming agents and other OTC products
Comparison: online pharmacy for animals-USA vs. EU

Comparison: online pharmacy for animals-USA vs. EU

Legal framework

criterionUSAEU / Germany
Shipping trade with prescription veterinary medicinesAllowed, but regulated (depending on the state different).Strictly prohibited in accordance with Art. 104 Para. 6 Regulation (EU) 2019/6.
Shipping trade with non -prescription veterinary medicinesAllowed, large online pharmacies dominate the market.Allowed, but only through approved pharmacies (§ 43 AMG).
PricingFree pricing, high discounts possible.Price bond for prescription drugs (§ 78 AMG).
Prescription obligationDepending on the type of medication, often less restrictive.Veterinarians may only submit medication after examination (§ 50 AMG).
Digital recipesPartly possible, settled differently depending on the state.Not yet introduced, the prescription requires analogous.
Role of the vetVeterinary practices often have to issue recipes for external pharmacies.Veterinary keeping control over pharmaceutical levy.
Main actors in the online marketChewy, 1-800-Petmeds, Walmart Pet Pharmacy.Medicines mainly available in local pharmacies.
challengesCompetition with local veterinarians, quality assurance.Strict regulation, lack of digital infrastructure for recipes.
Possibilities for a future strategyMore digital services in veterinary clinics.Possibility of a controlled e-recipe system.

FAQ to the online pharmacy for animals-USA vs. EU

Here are five detailed FAQ that cover all important aspects of the online pharmacy for animals, including the legal, economic and practical differences between the USA and the EU.

Why are there large online pharmacies for animals in the USA, but not in Germany and the EU?

In the United States, the market for online pharmacies for animals developed strongly because there are fewer strict regulations. Depending on the state, prescription veterinary medicines can often be sold
Chewy, 1-800-Petmeds or Walmart Pet Pharmacy The EU and Germany in particular have stricter legislation to prevent the abuse of veterinary medicines. The most important difference is:
USA : Online pharmacies can often also sell prescription drugs if there is a valid recipe from a veterinarian.
EU / Germany : Prescription veterinary medicines may not be sold through online pharmacies (Art. 104 Para. 6 Regulation (EU) 2019/6).
In Germany, veterinarians in accordance with Section 50 AMG (Medicines Act) obliged to personally examine an animal before submitting prescription medication. As a result, the allocation of medication remains strongly bound to the veterinary practice, while pet owners are easier to access online pharmacies in the USA.
price binding for prescription drugs plays a role (§ 78 AMG). While online pharmacies in the USA attract customers with discounts and flexible prices, the prices for prescription veterinary medicines in Germany must not be freely designed.
antibiotics and the risk of resistance are regulated in the EU by stricter controls An uncontrolled delivery via an online pharmacy for animals could lead to health risks.

Is there a way to operate a legal online pharmacy for animals in Germany?

Yes, but only under certain conditions. prohibited with prescription veterinary medicines online pharmacy for animals in Germany can sell
medication that is not subject to prescription These include, for example: Delighted
flea and tick protection
Nutrition and supplementary
feed Care products and vitamins
If a pharmacy or a veterinarian operates an online platform , you may only offer these over-the-counter products. In Germany, online providers must also have a pharmacy license (§ 43 AMG) and must not act with illegal drugs.
An alternative approach is the practice-owned online pharmacy . Many veterinary practices in Germany develop digital order platforms where customers can reserve medication online and collect them in practice. This combines the advantages of an online pharmacy for animals with the legal security of personal delivery by the veterinarian .

What are the risks when buying medication via an online pharmacy for animals?

The purchase of animal medication via an online pharmacy for animals can cause some risks, especially if the provider is dubious or not certified. The most important risks are:
fake or inferior medication
circulating on the Internet fake veterinary medicinal products that can be ineffective or even dangerous.
In particular, medication that does not come from an approved pharmacy can contain fake ingredients.
Improper storage and transport
medication must be stored at certain temperatures. A dubious online pharmacy for animals could not have sufficient control over the storage conditions.
In particular, cooling drugs (e.g. insulin for dogs with diabetes) could lose their effectiveness due to improper shipping.
Missing veterinary advice
A veterinarian advises individually on the dosage and possible interactions.
In an online pharmacy for animals there is no or only limited advice, which can lead to incorrect use.
Uncontrolled antibiotic allocation
An uncontrolled use of antibiotics can promote resistance and be dangerous for both animals and humans in the long term.
In Germany, antibiotics may only be submitted under veterinary control, while they can be ordered online in some countries.
Therefore, an online pharmacy for animals always be carefully checked. Customers should only order from certified and certified providers and, if in doubt, prefer to consult the veterinarian.

Could an amendment to the law allow online trading in Germany?

Basically yes, but that would require a comprehensive adaptation of the EU and German drug law.
Possible changes could be:
Introduction of an e-recipe for veterinary medicinal products similar to human medicine. This would enable an online pharmacy for animals to digitally accept recipes and legally send medication.
Loosening of the shipping ban for prescription drugs by adapting Art. 104 Para. 6 of the Regulation (EU) 2019/6.
Introduction of a controlled system for online sales , in which only certified providers can send medication under the supervision of veterinarians.
However, there are many counter -arguments, in particular the risk of uncontrolled drug allocation and the growing antibiotic resistance. Therefore, such a change in the law would be very controversial politically and regulatory

How can veterinarians deal with the competition from online pharmacies?

Veterinary practices are faced with the challenge of competing
online pharmacy for animals Strategies for adaptation could be: Practice-own online pharmacy
Many practices now offer an online order service for medication that can be picked up in practice.
In this way you can combine the convenience of an online pharmacy for animals with personal advice.
Education of the pet owners
Many customers do not know that online purchases reduce the income of practice and that practice often has to release recipes free of charge.
Transparent communication can motivate customers to support the practice.
Offer additional services
through individual advice and additional services (e.g. medication management, vaccination plans) can stand out the practice from an online pharmacy for animals .
Loyalty programs and discounts for regular customers
Customer loyalty programs, e.g. B. through discounts on follow-up resolutions or free health checks, can create an incentive to continue to relate medication in practice.
Through these measures, veterinarians can better manage the challenges of an online pharmacy for animals and continue to provide their patients optimally.

Critical summary of the "Online Pharmacy for Animals" in Germany and the EU

The “ Online Pharmacy for Animals ” is becoming increasingly important, especially in the USA. While shipping there is permitted by prescription veterinary medicines, the " Online Pharmacy for Animals " is subject to strict regulations in Germany and the EU. According to the EU Ordinance (EU) 2019/6, an “ online pharmacy for animals ” may only drive away not prescription medication.

A central difference between an “ online pharmacy for animals ” and the delivery in the veterinary practice lies in the legal obligation for individual treatment. According to § 50 Medicinal Products Act (AMG), a veterinarian may only submit a prescription drug if he knows and has previously examined the animal ("treatment principle"). An “ online pharmacy for animals ” cannot provide this personal examination, which is why the shipping is prohibited.

Many pet owners appreciate the “ online pharmacy for animals ” because of their convenience and the often cheaper prices. Veterinarians, on the other hand, see disadvantages because the “ online pharmacy for animals ” reduces direct customer loyalty and leads to loss of income. Studies from the USA show that many animal owners do not realize that the prescription by the vet, but the redemption in an “ online pharmacy for animals ” leads to economic disadvantages for practice.

In addition, the “ Online Pharmacy for Animals ” has risks regarding drug safety. While veterinarians select the medication directly for the treated animal and store them properly, there is a risk of incorrect storage or inferior goods online pharmacy for animals

Unlike in human medicine, where online pharmacies such as DocMorris received access to the German market through a ECJ judgment, the " Online Pharmacy for Animals " remains severely restricted due to the stricter regulations in veterinary medicine. A complete liberalization of the “ Online Pharmacy for Animals ” would offer new market opportunities, but could lead to uncontrolled drug allocation and resistance.

The future of the " online pharmacy for animals " depends on how the legal framework develops. beat a bridge between veterinarians and the " online pharmacy for animals However, the balance between economic competition, drug safety and professional care remains a challenge for regulating the " online pharmacy for animals " in Germany and the EU.

Disclaimer - legal information

The information provided in this document serves exclusively for the general presentation and discussion of the topic "online pharmacy for animals" as well as the legal framework in the USA and the European Union (especially Germany). This text does not constitute legal advice within the meaning of the Legal Service Act (RDG) and in no way replaces individual advice from a qualified lawyer or another person or institution authorized to provide legal advice.

The legal provisions on the mail order trade with veterinary medicines are complex and are subject to regular changes by national and European legislators, regulations and judicial decisions. Despite careful research and topicality, the information shown here cannot make a binding or final statement about the applicable legal situation .

In addition, numerous aspects are dependent on individual circumstances, in particular on specific business constellations, country -specific regulations and official requirements . If you want to make legal or business decisions in the online pharmacy area for animals , it is strongly recommended that you take advantage expert legal advice

The author of this text assumes no liability for the correctness, completeness or topicality of the information provided, as well as any legal or economic consequences resulting from the use of this content.

If you have legal questions on the topic of "online pharmacy for animals" or would like to find out more about a possible business strategy, please contact a specialist lawyer for medical law, pharmacy law or veterinary law in order to receive a binding and tailor-made assessment.

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