We are looking for more than small animal doctorsswiss army knife 2 1458474

Who are we?

We are now a team of nine small animal practitioners with a wide variety of sales focuses and wealth of experience. We practice at three locations in and around Karlsruhe. The practices are all equipped with digital X-rays and ultrasound. Cardiological heart examinations are also possible at two locations. Our new small animal center in Karlsruhe-Durlach with over 400 square meters of practice space has clinical standards and enables all of our veterinarians to treat even complicated cases upon request.

What characterizes us?

We enjoy our work - that means we love our patients and enable them to receive optimal treatment as a team.
Through different working time models, we ensure that balance is not neglected despite high demands and often major challenges. In modern German this is called work-life balance - we think that only someone who is properly rested can achieve top performance.

Where should it go?

Our success enables us to expand further. We are therefore looking for an experienced small animal doctor with at least two years of practical professional experience . Additional specialist veterinary qualifications or further training in the field of oncology are welcome, but not mandatory. Ambitions in the direction of oncology would be welcome.

After extensive training in Karlsruhe-Durlach, you will soon have the opportunity to take over a completely new practice in Kaiserslautern at a logistically optimal location with over 200 square meters of floor space. You will be responsible for working there as medical manager and will soon be supplemented by an assistant. You will be supported in all commercial, marketing and purchasing matters by our well-established headquarters.

The remuneration is good based on success and opportunity to participate .

Have we piqued your interest?

We would be very happy about that - then please write to us at: info@tierarzt-karlsbad.de or speak directly to Mr. Dipl.-Ök. Sven Jan Arndt, LL.M., CIA on Tel. 0160 93824803 - he is available to answer any questions you may have at any time.

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