
Dementia in cats

Dementia in cats

In this article we explore the topic of dementia in cats - a condition that is often overlooked but can have a significant impact on the quality of life of our beloved pets. We offer comprehensive information about symptoms, diagnosis and treatment, as well as valuable tips for caring for demented cats.

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Hamster diseases

Hamster diseases

Hamsters are adorable little creatures, but they can also be susceptible to various diseases. Some common illnesses that can affect hamsters are colds, diarrhea, skin diseases and tumors. Healthy living and disease prevention can be promoted through a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a clean, safe home.

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Veterinarian Henrik Puho

Welcome veterinarian Henrik Puho

Veterinarian Henrik Puho started working with us in January. Mr. Puho is a senior assistant veterinarian specializing in dental treatments and pets. In the field of teeth, he is currently undergoing further training to become a general practitioner for teeth. Previously, Mr Puho practiced for four years in two small animal practices in, among others, Budapest / Hungary. He had his last position

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