
In addition to extensive diagnostic options using computer tomography (CT), digital X-rays and ultrasound, we also offer the resulting extensive surgical care with appropriate post-operative inpatient treatment. You can find an overview of our surgery services here:

Bone surgery (osteosynthesis)

The most common reason for these operations are bone fractures:

  1. Plate osteosynthesis
    With angle-stable locking system
  2. Medullary canal nailing
    Stabilization of the broken bone by means of a steel nail inserted into the medullary canal cavity.
  3. External fixator External
    splinting of the bone using drill wires inserted through the skin, which are connected externally to joint rods

Examples of joint operations:

Soft tissue surgery


  • Wound care, wound revision, skin flaps, reconstructive surgery, tumor extirpations


  • Othematoma, ablation of the ear canal, bulla osteotomy


  • Ankyloblepharon, globe extirpation, distichiasis, ectropion, entropion, fixation of the prolapsed nictitating gland, corneal suture, nictitating membrane apron, tarsorrhapia, trichiasis

Frontal, nasal and oral cavities

  • Endodontic treatments, cleft palate closure, gingivectomy,
  • mandibulectomy, maxillectomy, nosectomy,
  • Oronasal fistula - plastic closure, treatment options for brachycephalic syndrome, treatment of fractures, dislocations, symphysiolysis


  • Bite/stick injuries, laryngeal paralysis, meliceris, thyroidectomy, tracheostomy/tracheostomy


  • Hernia peritoneo-pericardialis, lung lobe resections, esophagotomy, pericardectomy, thoracotomy, chest drainage, diaphragmatic hernia, diaphragm rupture

Gastrointestinal tract

  • Colopexy, enterectomy, enterotomy, gastrectomy, gastropexy, gastrotomy, insertion of a nasogastric tube, plication, serosal patching,
    torsio ventriculi (stomach rotation)
  • anus, perineum, spleen, liver, gallbladder and pancreas
  • Anal sac resection, cholecystectomy, cholecystotomy, hernia perinealis, liver lobe resection, spleen extirpation, pancreatic abscess (omentalization), pancreatectomy, perianal fistulas, perianal tumors


Surgery for the so-called brachycephalic syndrome .

Urogenital system and abdomen

  • Hernias, castration, cryptorchidism (inguinal, abdominal), mastectomy, nephrectomy, nephrotomy, kidney biopsy, ovariectomy/ovariohysterectomy, penile amputation, prostate diseases, pyometra (uterine suppuration), caesarean section (cesarean section), urethrostomy, urethrotomy, cystotomy
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