Portosystemic shunt surgery in dogs – an experience report with Luna


The health of our pets is our top priority. One of the most serious diagnoses a dog owner can receive is a portosystemic shunt (PSS). This congenital or acquired vascular anomaly causes blood to bypass the liver, which can lead to serious health problems. In this article we share our experiences with the portosystemic shunt operation on our little Luna and especially thank Dr. med. vet. Stephanie Florian, Dipl. ECVS, for her outstanding support and guidance.

Portosystemic shunt surgery
Portosystemic shunt operation 3

What is a portosystemic shunt?

A portosystemic shunt is a malformation of the blood vessels that prevents blood from flowing through the liver. Normally, blood from the digestive tract is sent to the liver where it is detoxified. With a shunt, blood flows directly into the systemic circulation without passing through the liver. This can lead to a buildup of toxins in the blood, which in turn can lead to neurological and physical symptoms.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Luna showed various symptoms such as weakness, growth retardation and neurological abnormalities. Thanks to the precise diagnosis with our CT and the expertise of Dr. Stephanie Florian, we were able to quickly determine that Luna was suffering from a portosystemic shunt. An ultrasound examination and further imaging procedures confirmed the diagnosis.

The operation

The decision to have surgery was not easy, but necessary. The procedure was carried out by Dr. Stephanie Florian, who accompanied us through the entire process. The operation is complex and requires a high level of expertise and precision. The procedure corrects the abnormal blood flow by closing the shunt to send blood back through the liver.

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Portosystemic shunt operation 4
The whole operation - from min 44:04 explanations by vet Susanne Arndt

Aftercare and healing

Aftercare is a crucial part of the healing process. Luna was carefully monitored and given special diets and medications to support liver function and promote healing. The progress was impressive and Luna soon showed signs of recovery and vitality. Part 2 will follow in four weeks.

Gratitude and closing words

Our special thanks go to Dr. med. vet. Stephanie Florian, Dipl. ECVS , whose expertise and dedication contributed significantly to the success of the operation. Without their guidance and support, this journey would have been far more difficult.

Summary of portosystemic shunt surgery in dogs

Portosystemic shunt surgery is a life-saving procedure for dogs suffering from portosystemic shunt (PSS). This surgery becomes necessary when blood vessels are abnormally shaped and the blood bypasses the liver, preventing toxins from being filtered as usual. A portosystemic shunt can be congenital or acquired and leads to serious health problems if left untreated. Portosystemic shunt surgery is the most effective method to restore normal blood flow through the liver.

In our case study of Luna, an affected dog, the portosystemic shunt operation by Dr. med. vet. Stephanie Florian, Dipl. ECVS. Before the operation, Luna showed various symptoms such as weakness, growth retardation and neurological abnormalities. A thorough diagnosis confirmed that portosystemic shunt surgery was necessary.

The procedure itself is complex and requires a high level of expertise and precision. During portosystemic shunt surgery , the abnormal blood flow is corrected by closing the shunt. This ensures that the blood flows back through the liver and is detoxified there. Thanks to the excellent skills of Dr. Florian's portosystemic shunt operation was successful.

After portosystemic shunt surgery, follow-up care is crucial for recovery. Luna was given special diets and medications to support liver function and promote healing. Progress after portosystemic shunt surgery was impressive, and Luna soon showed signs of recovery and vitality.

The decision to undergo portosystemic shunt surgery can be difficult for dog owners, but the results speak for themselves. For Luna, portosystemic shunt surgery to a significant improvement in her quality of life. The careful preparation and aftercare, combined with the expertise of Dr. Florian, have contributed to Luna leading a healthy and happy life today.

In summary, portosystemic shunt surgery is a crucial step in the treatment of dogs with PSS. It requires specialized veterinary knowledge and careful postoperative care. Our experiences with Luna and the outstanding support from Dr. Stephanie Florian show how important and successful a portosystemic shunt operation can be.

Portosystemic shunt surgery is therefore not only a life-saving measure, but also an opportunity to significantly improve the quality of life of affected dogs. With the correct diagnosis, an experienced surgical team and careful follow-up care, portosystemic shunt surgery give many dogs a new life.

Further information on the subject of portosystemic shunts can be found at: https://tierarzt-karlsruhe-durlach.de/lebershunt-beim-hund/

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