Castration of cats and male cats: castrate or sterilize?

Introduction to castration of cats

Every cat owner is faced with the decision at some point: should they have their cat castrated or neutered? Here we offer you a detailed overview of this topic.

Why even consider spaying or neutering a cat?

On average, an unneutered female cat gives birth to 3 to 5 kittens twice a year. Unneutered male cats often mark their territory - and sometimes homes - with an intense smell of urine. They are also often involved in territorial battles and can sustain injuries. There is also a risk of becoming infected with diseases such as FeLV or FIV. There are therefore numerous reasons to consider such an intervention.

Difference between castration cat and sterilization

Castration cat

Castration makes the animal sterile . This is achieved by surgically removing the gonads. In male cats it is the testes and in cats it is the ovaries. This means that hormone production is permanently stopped.


Sterilization , on the other hand, also makes cats infertile but does not affect hormone production. This procedure leaves the testicles and ovaries intact. Only the sperm or fallopian tubes are tied off so that fertilization is no longer possible.

graph TD A[castration] --> B[removal of gonads] ​​A --> C[no more hormone production] D[sterilization] --> E[tying of sperm/fallopian tubes] D --> F[hormone production remains]

The surgical procedure - castration cat

Both procedures require surgery under general anesthesia. A small incision is made below the belly button of the female cat to access the ovaries. After the operation, the wound is usually closed with self-dissolving stitches.

For male cats, the procedure is even easier. After the fur on the testicles has been removed, the vessels and vas deferens are tied off through two small incisions and the testicles are removed. These incisions are so small that they usually do not require stitches.

Recommendation: castration of cat

Castration is preferred over sterilization. It not only prevents reproduction, but also eliminates the risk of hormone-related diseases such as uterine suppuration or mammary tumors. Castration also minimizes marking behavior and heat, which is a decisive advantage for many cat owners.

If you have problems with the display:

How much does neutering a cat cost?

Cost factors for castration of cats:

  1. Region and location of the veterinary practice: Costs may be higher in urban areas than in rural areas.
  2. The veterinary practice itself: Some practices have higher prices due to their specialization or the additional services they offer.
  3. Type of castration: The procedure is usually easier and therefore often cheaper for male cats than for cats.

Average cost of castration cat:

  • Tomcat: Castration of a male cat costs on average between 50 and 100 euros in Germany.
  • Cat: Neutering a cat can be a little more expensive and is usually between 100 and 150 euros, sometimes even a little more.

Additional costs for castration of cats:

Sometimes additional costs may apply, for example for:

  • Preliminary investigations
  • Painkillers and aftercare
  • Special medical needs or complications

Saving tips for castration of cats:

  1. Animal welfare associations and initiatives: There are many animal welfare organizations that offer discounts or support for castrations, especially when it comes to strays or cats from financially weaker families.
  2. Comparison: It doesn't hurt to compare prices from different veterinarians in your area.

Conclusion costs of castration cat:

Neutering is a one-time investment in the health and well-being of your animal. Costs vary depending on various factors, but overall you can expect the average prices mentioned. It is always a good idea to inform yourself in advance and possibly also to build up reserves for such veterinary measures. Either way, your decision to castrate is an important contribution to the responsible treatment of your four-legged family member! 🐱❤️

Castration cat
Castration cat 2

(C) Sabine Rath in memory

How old should a male cat be at least for castration?

The age at which a male cat should be neutered can vary depending on the veterinarian's recommendation and individual circumstances.

In general, it can be said that male cats can be neutered as early as 4 to 6 months old. Many male cats reach sexual maturity at this age, which is why early castration can prevent unwanted offspring. Another advantage of early castration is that young animals often recover more quickly and the procedure is less invasive for smaller animals.

However, there are also veterinarians and animal welfare organizations who advocate castration as early as 12 weeks of age, especially if there is a risk of uncontrolled reproduction in a larger cat community.

However, there is no strict age limit for castration. Even older male cats can still be castrated if they are in good health. However, it is always advisable to consult a trusted veterinarian in advance about the best time for castration.

In short, neutering can be done at a young age, but it is important to take individual factors and the vet's recommendation into account. The welfare of the animal should always be the priority.

How old should a cat be at least for neutering?

The decision at what age a cat should be neutered depends on various factors, including the veterinarian's recommendations, the individual circumstances and the cat's living conditions.

In general, cats can be neutered at the age of 4 to 6 months. Many cats reach sexual maturity around this age. Early castration can therefore prevent unwanted offspring and the associated problems. In addition, young animals often have the advantage of recovering more quickly after such an operation.

Some veterinarians and animal welfare organizations even recommend neutering from 12 weeks of age, especially if there is a risk of uncontrolled reproduction, such as in larger groups of cats.

But as with tomcats, the following also applies to cats: There is no strict age limit for castration. Even older cats can be neutered if they are healthy. However, it always makes sense to talk to the vet before making a decision.

In summary: Castration of a cat can be considered in the first few months of life. However, it is crucial to consider the cat's individual needs and seek advice from a trusted veterinarian. The cat's well-being should always be the focus.

How long does it take for a cat to recover after neutering?

If your little cat was recently neutered, you're probably wondering when he'll be back to his old self. Recovery may vary depending on the cat and the circumstances of the procedure. Here is a small overview:

Immediately after castration cat:

  • First hours: After the procedure, many cats are still a little dazed from the anesthesia. It's not uncommon for them to stagger, walk unsteadily, or even appear a little disoriented.

The first days:

  • 24-48 hours: During this time your cat should be kept in a calm and warm environment. Some cats become quite active again after just a few hours, while others need a day or two to fully recover.
  • Food and water: Your cat may have little appetite for the first few hours after surgery. However, make sure she has access to fresh water and easily digestible food.

The first week:

  • Wound Healing: Make sure the wound stays clean and dry and check daily for signs of infection or inflammation.
  • Activity: Even if your cat appears fit again after a day or two, it is advisable to prevent him from playing or jumping too wildly for about a week.

What to keep in mind:

  • Behavior: If after a few days your cat still appears very lethargic, is not eating or drinking much, or if you notice any changes in behavior, you should consult veterinarian
  • The wound: Redness, swelling, unpleasant odor, or discharge from the surgical site are signs that something is wrong. In this case, it is important to see a veterinarian as soon as possible.


Although castration is a routine procedure, it is still surgery. Every cat reacts differently, but usually most cats are pretty alert again after a day or two. However, it is important to keep an eye on the healing process and make sure everything is going well. With a little patience and care, your fluffy friend will soon be running around the apartment fit and happy again! 🐾❤️

How does a cat's behavior change after neutering?

A cat's behavior can actually change after neutering, although the nature of the changes can vary from cat to cat. Here are some of the most common behavioral changes cat owners may notice after neutering:

1. Reduced sex drive:

Neutered cats - both males and females - generally exhibit less or no sexually motivated behavior. This means they are less likely to roam, mark or go into heat.

2. Less aggression:

Some male cats may be less aggressive after neutering, especially toward other male cats. This can lead to fewer territorial fights and an overall reduction in territorial behaviors.

3. Reduced tendency to stray:

Male cats that are neutered often have less desire to leave their territory or wander widely in search of a mate. This can reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.

4. Weight gain:

Some cats may gain weight after being neutered. This is because their metabolism may slow down and they may become less active. A balanced diet and regular exercise are particularly important here.

5. Less marking behavior:

Many cat owners notice that their male cats mark less often after being neutered. This is a huge advantage, especially for those who don't appreciate the strong aroma of hangover urine!

6. Changed gaming behavior:

Some cat owners report that their neutered animals become calmer and fight less, while others see no noticeable change in play behavior.


While the above behavioral changes are common, every cat is unique and not all cats exhibit the same behavioral changes after neutering. It is also important to emphasize that many of these changes can have positive effects on the quality of life of the cat and its owners. With love, patience, and understanding, you and your furry friend can adapt to the “new normal” after neutering and continue to have a wonderful time together! 🐾❤️

Is a cat in pain after castration?

Neutering is a surgical procedure, and as with any surgical procedure, there may be some pain or discomfort during the recovery period. Here's what you should know:

Immediately after surgery:

Immediately after neutering, the cat may experience pain or discomfort. This is completely normal. Veterinarians usually administer pain medications to ensure the cat is as comfortable as possible.

Days after surgery:

During the healing period, which can last from a few days to a week, your cat may still experience some discomfort or mild pain. You may notice that she moves more slowly, doesn't jump as much, or licks the surgical site more often.

How can you help?

  1. Pain Medication: Always follow your veterinarian's recommendations regarding pain medication. Never give medications without consulting a veterinarian , as some can be toxic to cats.
  2. Quiet environment: Try to provide your cat with a quiet environment after surgery. If possible, limit loud noises and hectic activities.
  3. Observe: Watch for signs of pain or discomfort, such as excessive licking at the surgical site, decreased activity, or loss of appetite. If you have concerns, consult your veterinarian.
  4. Neck brace: Sometimes a neck brace or similar protection may be necessary to prevent the cat from licking or biting the suture site and disrupting healing.


Although pain is normal after a surgical procedure such as neutering, there are many ways you can help support your cat's comfort and recovery. Attentive care and close collaboration with your veterinarian will ensure that your cat is back on its paws quickly and can be its usual, playful self! 🐱❤️

And don't forget: every effort you put into your cat's well-being will be rewarded with purrs and cuddles! 🐾❤️

How can I help my cat after neutering?

It's wonderful that you care so much about your cat's well-being. The period after neutering can be challenging for a cat, but with your help he will surely recover faster. Here are some tips to help your cat during this time:

1. Prepare a quiet retreat:

Your cat will need rest after surgery. A soft bed in a quiet corner of the house is ideal. Make sure she has access to clean water and that her food is nearby.

2. Monitor the surgical site:

Make sure the wound remains clean and has no signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or unusual discharge.

3. Prevent her from licking or biting the wound:

Cats tend to lick wounds. However, this can lead to infections. Your cat may need a collar or special bodysuit to prevent this.

4. Keep them indoors:

Until the wound has completely healed, you should prevent your cat from going outside to minimize the risk of contamination or injury.

5. Follow the vet's instructions:

Your veterinarian will give you specific instructions, such as administering pain medication or wound care. Follow these carefully and contact the practice immediately if you have any questions or concerns.

6. Feeding:

Sometimes your cat may lose its appetite after being neutered. Offer her small amounts of her favorite food and make sure she drinks enough.

7. Time and patience:

Every cat recovers at its own pace. Give her the time she needs and offer lots of love and patience.

8. Play gently:

Once your cat shows interest again, you can offer gentle games. This helps channel their energy in a positive way without compromising healing.

Conclusion: With your loving support, your cat will certainly recover faster after castration. Remember to always keep an eye out for their needs and consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns. Your cat will surely thank you - with purring, cuddling and lots of happy moments together! 🐾❤️

Do all cats get fat after neutering?

It is a common myth that cats automatically gain weight after being neutered. But what is really behind this assumption?

Changing energy requirements

After castration, our cats' metabolism changes. As their energy requirements decrease, they often require less food than before. However, if they continue to eat the same amount of food, it can lead to weight gain.

Changed eating behavior

Some cats develop an increased appetite after being neutered. The reason for this is not fully understood, but it is believed that reduced production of sex hormones may influence feelings of hunger.

Activity level

Another aspect that plays a role in weight gain is the cat's activity level. Some cats become calmer and less playful after neutering. Of course, this can lead to lower calorie consumption.

What can you do?

  1. Feed adjustment: Check feed quantity and quality. If necessary, you should reduce the amount or switch to a food that has been specifically developed for neutered cats.
  2. Play and activity: Encourage your cat's activity. Play with her every day and provide variety with different toys.
  3. Regular weight check: Weigh your cat at regular intervals and consult your veterinarian to determine the ideal weight.


No, not all cats get fat after neutering. But due to the changes that come with castration, there is an increased tendency to gain weight. However, with the right diet and enough exercise, you can ensure that your cat stays fit and healthy. It is our responsibility to respond to the needs of our neutered four-legged friends and to enable them to live happy and healthy lives. 🐱❤️

Summary castration cat

Castration of cats is a topic that concerns many cat owners. This is a surgical procedure in which a cat's reproductive organs are removed to make it infertile. The main reason for neutering cats is often to avoid unwanted offspring. , neutering cats can reduce certain behavior patterns, such as marking or straying.

There are many myths surrounding cat castration . Some mistakenly believe that after neutering , it will inevitably gain weight. However, this is not directly due to the procedure, but can be related to a changed metabolic situation and a reduced energy requirement. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to feeding your cat after castration

The cost of neutering a cat can vary depending on the veterinarian and region. It is advisable to find out about the prices beforehand and possibly get several offers. After the cat is neutered , the cat may need a few days to fully recover. Aftercare plays a central role here.

The cat's behavior may change after the cat is neutered . While some cats become calmer and more domestic, the temperament of others remains unchanged. A frequently asked question is whether neutering cats causes pain. During the procedure, the cat will of course be anesthetized, but afterward, as with any operation, some pain may occur. Painkillers prescribed by the vet can help here.

to best help your cat after castration Castration of a cat is an important step that should be carefully considered. It's not just about preventing offspring, but also about the cat's general well-being. With proper care and attention, your cat will survive the cat neutering well and continue to live a happy and healthy life.

Literature castration cat

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