Pet care

Elimination diet for dogs and cats

Elimination diet for dogs and cats

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) often requires targeted nutritional counseling to control clinical symptoms, ensure adequate nutrient supply, and compensate for ongoing nutrient losses. An elimination diet with a hydrolyzed protein source or a diet with a single new protein is often recommended for IBD patients. This article provides comprehensive instructions on how to successfully implement such a diet.

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Pet insurance

Pet insurance

In today's world, when medical care for pets is becoming more advanced and therefore more expensive, pet insurance is no longer a luxury but a necessity. This article offers you an in-depth look into the world of pet insurance, explains its importance and shows you how to find the best coverage for your beloved pet.

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Spring Preparations for Pet Owners

Spring Preparations for Pet Owners

Spring is a time of departure and renewal, not only for us humans, but also for our beloved pets. The days are getting longer, nature is awakening to new life, and the rising temperatures invite you to take long walks and adventures outdoors. But with the changing seasons come specific challenges and responsibilities for pet owners. In this guide you will find valuable tips and advice on how you can optimally prepare your four-legged friend for spring and enjoy a carefree time together.

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Ferret diseases

Ferret diseases

Ferrets are popular pets known for their lively and playful nature. However, like all animals, ferrets can be subject to various health problems. In this guide, you'll learn all about the most common diseases affecting ferrets, their symptoms, prevention, and treatment options.

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Planning and controlling a TPLO operation

Planning and controlling a TPLO operation

Precise preliminary examination and planning before surgical procedures, especially tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO) in veterinary medicine, are crucial to understand the biomechanical conditions of the knee joint and to determine correct surgical measures. This includes a comprehensive assessment of the animal's joint anatomy, muscle function and body weight to ensure optimal functionality following the procedure. Detailed planning prevents postoperative complications and contributes to the animal's long-term health and mobility.

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Mice as pets

Mice as pets

Welcome to our little guide on the exciting topic of mice as pets. Mice are fascinating, agile and intelligent animals that can be wonderful companions with the right care and attention. In this guide, we'll cover various aspects of keeping mice, from proper nutrition to care and common health questions.

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