Dog diseases

Acute thoracolumbal intervertebral disc extrusion

Acute thoracolumbal intervertebral disc extrusion

The spine of a dog consists of many individual vertebrae, which are separated by intervertebral discs. These intervertebral discs act like shock absorbers and enable mobility. With a thoracolumbal intervertebral disc extrusion, the inner, gel -like material of a intervertebral disc leaves through the outer shell and presses onto the spinal cord. This can lead to pain, paralysis and in severe cases to loss of walking ability.

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shortened elimination diet in dogs

Shortened elimination diet in dogs

The elimination diet is an important part of the diagnosis of feed -induced atopic dermatitis (FIAD) in dogs. Traditionally, such a diet attempt takes eight weeks, which is a challenge for many animal owners. A shorter alternative could make the process easier without affecting the accuracy. A recent study shows that the use of prednisolone or Oclacitinib at the beginning of the diet can be shortened.

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Fecal transplantation in dogs and cats

Fecal transplantation in dogs and cats

We are intensively involved in improving intestinal health in dogs and cats. A promising option is faecal transplantation (fecal microbiota transplantation). Here we transfer the microbiome from a healthy donor animal to a sick four-legged friend in order to sustainably stabilize the balance of the intestinal flora. This procedure, already established in human medicine, is becoming increasingly important for numerous gastrointestinal diseases in veterinary medicine.

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Cancer in dogs

Cancer in dogs

Cancer in dogs is one of the most common and serious diseases that many pet owners face. However, with the right information and early detection, many types of cancer can be successfully treated. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the causes, symptoms and treatments of canine cancer and how you can improve your four-legged friend's quality of life.

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Chew bones for dogs

Potential dangers from contaminated chewing bones for dogs

In recent months, veterinarians across Germany have observed an increase in neurological diseases in dogs. Many of these cases have symptoms that suggest possible poisoning. One of the prime suspects in these cases are chewing bones, which are widely used as treats and for dental care in dogs. This article examines the risks posed by contaminated chewing bones and provides recommendations on how dog owners can ensure the safety of their pets.

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Panostitis in dogs

Panostitis in dogs

Panostitis is a disease that often unsettles dog owners. It mainly affects young dogs and manifests itself through sudden and often painful lameness. But what exactly is behind this disease? How does it occur, what symptoms does it show and what measures can be taken? In this article we will examine panostitis in detail and give you all the important information you need as a dog owner.

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Brachyury, also known as stump tail, is a genetic peculiarity that occurs in some dog breeds. This shortening or lack of development of the tail can occur both naturally and through selective breeding. Below we will look at the biological background, the affected dog breeds, genetic inheritance and diagnostics.

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Axonopathy in dogs

Axonopathy in dogs

Axonopathy is a serious neurological disease that is particularly common in medium-sized dog breeds. Breeds at particular risk include Labradors, Golden Retrievers, Flat-Coated Retrievers and German Shepherds. In this article, we offer you a comprehensive analysis of the causes, symptoms and treatment options for axonopathy. We provide detailed insights into the clinical picture and show how affected dogs can be optimally supported.

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