Veterinarian Karlsruhe

Elbow dysplasia in dogs

Elbow dysplasia in dogs

Elbow dysplasia, a hereditary disease in dogs, occurs in various forms. These include fragmented medial ulnar coronoid process (FCP), isolated anconeal process (IPA), and osteochondrosis (OCD). All of these diseases are growth-related diseases that unfortunately cannot be cured.

FCP and OCD are among the most common causes of lameness in young dogs. They typically occur between four and five months when the dog is in the central growth phase.

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Heart disease in dogs

Heart disease in dogs

It's a frightening moment for dog owners when a diagnosis of heart disease is made. However, this diagnosis does not necessarily mean a shortened or poor quality life for your four-legged friend. Science and veterinary medicine have made great advances, and there are a variety of therapies and methods to improve the quality of life and length of life for dogs with heart disease.

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Heat stroke in dogs

Heat stroke in dogs

In high temperatures, dogs tend to overheat because they cannot release their heat as effectively as humans. This can lead to a serious condition known as heat stroke. In this article, we will go into detail about the dangers of heatstroke in dogs and provide strategies for prevention and first aid.

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Discopathy in dogs

Discopathy in dogs

Discopathy in dogs is a serious medical situation that develops from damage or changes in the position of the intervertebral discs. To understand them better, we would first like to explain the role and nature of the intervertebral discs. These consist of a cartilaginous fibrous ring, also called annulus fibrosus, and an elastic gelatinous core, called nucleus pulposus. The intervertebral discs ensure pain-free mobility of the back and absorb shocks to the spine, for example when jumping. They lie between the bony vertebral bodies in the spine.

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