Veterinary clinic

Epidural anesthesia for TPLO

Epidural anesthesia for TPLO

In this day and age, the well-being of our animal companions is of the utmost importance. As responsible pet owners and veterinary professionals, we always strive to relieve the pain of our beloved dogs and cats. In this context, local anesthesia has brought about a revolutionary change in veterinary practice. In this article, we will take a detailed look at the benefits, techniques, and recent advances of local anesthesia in dogs and cats.

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Weather sensitivity in cats

Weather sensitivity in cats

Cats are exceptionally sensitive creatures that can perceive not only their surroundings but also the smallest changes in the weather very precisely. This phenomenon, known as weather sensitivity, can cause a range of reactions in our furry friends, ranging from mild inconvenience to serious health problems. In this article, we'll look at how to recognize the signs of weather sensitivity in your cat, what effects it can have, and what you can do to help your four-legged friend.

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chronic inflammation in cats

Chronic inflammation in cats

Chronic inflammation is an issue that is becoming increasingly important in feline healthcare. These long-term inflammatory processes can significantly impact the quality of life of our beloved four-legged friends and lead to a variety of health problems. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatment options and give you valuable tips on how you can help your animal.

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