How your dog can lose weight healthily

Introduction to weight loss in dogs

Obesity in dogs is a growing problem that can pose serious health risks, such as diabetes, heart disease and joint problems. That's why it's crucial to create an effective and healthy weight loss plan for our four-legged friend. In this article, you will learn how to help your dog lose weight safely.

Understand the causes of obesity in dogs

The first step to healthy weight loss in dogs is understanding the causes of obesity. These include lack of exercise, excessive feeding and sometimes health problems. It is important to work with your veterinarian to determine the exact cause of your dog's excess weight.

Dog lose weight healthily
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Create optimal conditions for healthy weight loss

For your dog's successful weight loss, we believe it is essential to carefully follow the following steps:

having your dog thoroughly examined veterinarian before starting a diet This ensures that there are no underlying medical conditions causing the weight problem or that there have already been health complications due to the excess weight.

Work closely with your veterinarian to develop a tailor-made diet plan that includes realistic milestones. Your veterinarian has the expertise to assess how much weight your dog should lose and in what time frame. Setting realistic goals makes it easier for you and your dog to stay motivated and persevere. In addition, the support of a technical expert offers you a solid basis to confidently deal with possible setbacks.

Finally, switch to a special reduction diet recommended by your veterinarian. This ensures that your dog loses weight in a healthy way and does not suffer from deficiencies in important nutrients despite reduced calorie intake.

Of course, dogs can lose weight under other conditions, but scientific research and practical observations suggest that under certain conditions, dieting is more effective and produces more lasting results, thereby avoiding the dreaded yo-yo effect.

Once you've met these basic requirements, you'll be well on your way to a healthier, slimmer dog. But the diet could still fail due to psychological obstacles that could raise doubts about the usefulness of the plan and undermine your will. Remember that your dog will not understand why his feeding behavior should suddenly change and may therefore vehemently demand his usual treats.

To stay strong on your diet:

Get used to new habits for yourself and your dog during the preparation phase

Successful weight loss requires that both you and your dog break old habits. This only works if you:

  • recognize what has previously led to obesity,
  • take responsibility for this situation,
  • and approach the new diet with a positive attitude.

Why is my dog ​​overweight?

Obesity in dogs has many causes, but primarily organic reasons should be ruled out through a veterinary examination. Without medical problems, the cause often lies in the relationship between people and dogs: Many owners strengthen the bond by giving food - treats are used to express love or as an excuse for not having enough time. This habit quickly leads to excess calories.

To counteract this, you should look at your dog's natural eating behavior and critically observe your own behavior when dealing with your four-legged friend. How to gradually identify and replace unhealthy habits with healthier alternatives.

Tip: Analyze and improve behavior

A helpful method is to use a snack jar: Every time your dog gets a snack, put an equivalent amount in the jar. At the end of the day, you can then visualize how much extra your dog actually consumed. This is especially telling when multiple people give your dog treats.

In addition to the visual aid of the snack jar, everyone involved should be aware of the amount of calories that certain dog snacks contain. For example, a dried pig's ear contains as many calories as a large candy bar and could therefore be a significant portion of a medium-sized dog's daily intake.

For a detailed overview of the calorie values ​​of common dog snacks, you can use our calorie tables.

A feeding diary is also a useful tool. Write down everything your dog eats for a few days - from main meals to treats to chews and table scraps. Such records are informative not only for you, but also for your veterinarian.

Calorie table for common dog snacks

When we spoil our four-legged friends, we often forget that treats also contain calories. A conscious approach to snacks is crucial to maintaining or achieving your dog's ideal weight. Here's a handy overview of the calorie counts of common dog treats so you can make an informed choice.

  1. Dried Pig Ear : A popular treat for dogs, a whole pig ear can contain up to 220 calories. Keep this high value in mind, especially with smaller dogs.
  2. Chicken feet : Crispy and delicious, but they also come in at around 70 calories per piece. A good snack, but to be enjoyed in moderation.
  3. Liver Sausage : Very tasty for most dogs, but high in calories. Around 30 grams (one tablespoon) can contain 100 calories.
  4. Cheese cubes : Cheese is another popular treat, but it quickly becomes overwhelming. A small cube (10 g) of cheddar can contain 40 calories.
  5. Beef skin bones (small) : They offer long chewing fun, but also a lot of calories. A small bone can contain around 100 calories.
  6. Chew strips : These snacks are particularly popular with training dogs. A medium-sized chewing stick can contain around 50 calories.
  7. Jerky : A healthy, protein-rich snack, but not low in calories. 10 grams of dried meat can contain up to 30 calories.
  8. Dog biscuits : Specially shaped and flavored dog biscuits can range from 20 to 90 calories per piece, depending on size and ingredients.
  9. Carrot Chunks : An excellent, low-calorie option. A medium-sized piece of carrot only has about 5 calories. Ideal for a healthy reward.
  10. Apple slices : Also a good, low-calorie choice. A small piece of apple contains about 3 calories.

When feeding snacks, it is important to keep an eye on the total amount of your dog's daily food intake. Use snacks as part of total calorie intake and not in addition to regular food. And remember to always provide fresh water, especially after eating salty or dry snacks.

How many calories should a dog eat to avoid gaining weight and how many to lose weight?

Calorie needs of dogs

Calorie needs of dogs according to size and weight

SizeWeight rangeDaily calories for weight maintenanceDaily calories to lose weight
Small1-10kg200-400 kcal160-320 kcal
Medium11-25kg400-800 kcal320-640 kcal
Large26-40kg800-1200 kcal640-960 kcal
Very largeover 40kg1200-1600 kcal960-1280 kcal

How do you keep going until you reach your destination?

Losing weight healthily for your dog requires perseverance, as there is no magic solution that will work overnight. As the person responsible for your dog's diet, it is your job to find the motivation every day to continue the diet consistently, no matter what challenges you face.

This situation is comparable to that of an Olympic champion who trains the same techniques every day for years, even if he has long since mastered them. The fight against your inner weaker self is not won with muscle strength, but with heart, will and endurance. Helpful motivation strategies can include:

  • Visualize the goal again and again : Vividly imagine how agile and cheerful your dog will be once he has lost his unnecessary weight. Place a picture of your dog when he was younger - slim and active - prominently near his food bowl.
  • Break the big goal into small, achievable steps : Enjoy every small success. Document your dog's progress by regularly taking bird's-eye photos to see how his body gradually becomes slimmer. This visual confirmation can be more motivating than just checking your weight.
  • Connect the diet with positive associations : Many people immediately associate the word “diet” with deprivation and effort. Change this mindset by realizing the benefits of weight loss for your dog and for you. The more often you think about the positive aspects, the less chance there is that negative thoughts will take over.
  • Think of the diet as a gift : By helping your dog lose weight, you are giving him a better quality of life and yourself more time with a healthy, happy animal.

And don't forget: Behind every Olympic champion is a supporting team. Bring in family and friends or get support from your veterinary team, who will be at your side like a coach, helping you set goals, checking on progress and helping you when difficulties arise.

Start of the diet phase

Once you've developed a diet plan with your vet and have established your motivation, it's time to get started. From now on:

Keep it simple! Establish a new feeding routine and stay consistent.

Here are essential practical tips:

  • Precisely weigh food quantities : Daily weighing is more accurate than estimating with a measuring cup.
  • Divide the food ration : Divide the daily food into three to four portions to avoid long periods of hunger.
  • Use the daily ration cleverly : Save part of the daily ration for rewards instead of reaching for additional snacks.
  • More attention, fewer treats : Replace snacks with time with your dog, like playing or cuddling.
  • Exercise is essential : Make sure you get enough activity every day. Ask your veterinarian for suitable exercise suggestions that support the diet plan.
  • Regular checks : Take your dog to the vet frequently during the diet phase.
  • Long-term food change : After a successful diet, switch to a low-calorie food, for example for neutered dogs, to maintain the target weight.

And what if acceptance stalls?

No need to panic or give up! Weight fluctuations are normal during a diet - sometimes everything goes according to plan, sometimes there is a standstill. It is important that the general trend is correct. If you are unsure or have any setbacks, seek advice from your veterinarian. There is no reason to feel guilty about temporary setbacks.

Patience is crucial when losing weight. Your dog should lose 1 to 3% of its body weight weekly, which equates to around 100 to 300g for a 10kg dog. You could easily give such a dog ten weeks to lose a kilogram.

This period of time has the added benefit of allowing you and your dog to become accustomed to the new routines, making long-term retention easier.

FAQs on the topic “Dog lose weight healthily”

Why is obesity a problem in dogs?

Obesity in dogs is not just an aesthetic problem, but can pose serious health risks. The most common consequences include joint problems, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and a shortened life expectancy. In addition, being overweight can significantly affect your dog's quality of life as his mobility and activity levels decrease. It is therefore crucial to intervene at the first signs of obesity and work with a veterinarian to develop a weight loss plan.

How do I know if my dog ​​is overweight?

There are several methods to determine whether your dog is overweight. First, you can use the body condition scale used by veterinarians. This scale typically ranges from 1 to 9, with a value of 4 or 5 being considered ideal. You should be able to see your dog's waist from above, and when touched, you should be able to feel his ribs without having to apply strong pressure. You should also weigh your dog regularly and compare the results with the ideal weight for his breed and size. If you are unsure or have any questions, it is always advisable to seek the advice of a veterinarian.

What are the first steps if I determine that my dog ​​needs to lose weight?

The first step should always be a visit to the vet. This can determine whether the excess weight is caused by an underlying disease and create an individual diet and exercise plan. After that, you should reconsider your dog's current food and feeding habits. It often helps to switch the food to a lower-calorie version and adjust the amount of food according to the vet's instructions. It is also important to increase your dog's physical activity, for example through longer or more frequent walks.

How can I help my dog ​​lose weight without him having to go hungry?

It is important that your dog does not starve while on the diet, as this can lead to worsening mood and even health problems. Switch to a low-calorie but nutritious food that will satisfy your dog. Divide the daily ration into several small meals to minimize the feeling of hunger. Healthy snacks such as carrot pieces or apples are suitable as rewards. You can also strengthen your bond with your dog by spending time with him and offering activities that don't involve food, such as playing or cuddling.

My dog ​​is not losing weight despite dieting. What can I do?

If your dog does not lose weight despite your best efforts, it is important to consult your veterinarian again. It could be that the diet is not optimal for your dog or that health problems are preventing him from losing weight. Your veterinarian can review the diet plan and adjust it if necessary. It is also important to ensure that all family members and caregivers of the dog adhere to the diet plan and do not give the dog any additional snacks or meals. Consistency and patience are crucial when losing weight. Sometimes it takes a while to see the results.

Summary on the topic - how can my dog ​​lose weight healthily?

Healthy weight loss is of great importance for our dog's quality of life and health. Losing weight for your dog healthily means creating an adapted, balanced feeding program and integrating regular exercise. Losing weight healthily for your dog requires patience, as rapid weight loss can be harmful to your health. Losing weight for a dog healthily requires working closely with the veterinarian to ensure there are no underlying illnesses.

Losing weight in a healthy way for your dog also means understanding and adapting the dog's eating habits. Losing weight in a healthy way for your dog not only promotes the physical but also the mental health of the dog. Losing weight for your dog healthily means paying attention to high-quality food and avoiding junk food. Losing weight for your dog healthily also means setting realistic goals and achieving them gradually.

Losing weight in a healthy way helps your dog avoid typical risk factors such as diabetes, heart disease and joint problems. Losing weight in a healthy way for your dog requires regular review and adjustment of the diet plan. Losing weight in a dog's health is a process that can strengthen the bond between dog and owner. Losing weight in a dog's health means taking responsibility for the dog's long-term health.

Losing weight for dogs healthily is more than just a diet; it is a lifestyle. Losing weight in a healthy way for your dog means shifting the focus from the quantity of food to the quality. Losing weight healthily for your dog encourages a healthy routine with regular feeding times and exercise sessions. Healthy dog ​​weight loss also means finding creative ways to keep the dog active and engaged without resorting to overfeeding.

Losing weight in a dog's health requires consistent implementation of the diet and exercise plan. Losing weight in a healthy way for your dog also means getting support, be it from family or professional helpers such as veterinarians and nutritionists. Losing weight in a dog's health is one way to give your dog a long, happy and healthy life.

Losing weight in a dog's health is essential to improve the dog's well-being and mobility. Losing weight in a healthy way helps your dog have more energy and be able to participate more actively in family life. Losing weight in a healthy way for your dog not only helps the dog itself, but also improves the quality of life of the owners because they have fewer worries about their pet's health. Losing weight in a healthy way for your dog is an investment in the future to avoid possible health problems and reduce veterinary costs in the long term.

Losing weight healthily for your dog requires a balanced combination of diet, exercise and emotional support. Losing weight in a dog's health means making behavioral changes in both the dog and the owner. Losing weight healthily for your dog should be a positive experience for the dog, without him feeling restricted or punished. Allowing your dog to lose weight healthily is a sign of love and care because it shows that the owner cares about the health and well-being of their dog.

Losing weight healthily for your dog can pose challenges, but with the right approach and patience, these can be overcome. Losing weight for your dog healthily is an ongoing process that requires flexibility and adaptability. Losing weight in a healthy way for your dog is not only an obligation towards the dog, but also an enrichment for living together. The shared activities that arise as part of a weight loss program can strengthen the relationship between dog and owner.

After all, losing weight in a healthy way means that you are ready to question old habits and take new, healthier paths. Losing weight in a healthy way is the key to a happy, active and contented life for your four-legged friend.

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