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Causes of cruciate ligament injuries

Causes of Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Dogs and How to Avoid Them

Cruciate ligament injuries are one of the most common diseases in dogs, especially large breeds. It can be very painful and restrictive for your dog and may require surgery and a long recovery period. In this article, we'll explore the most common causes of cruciate ligament injuries in dogs and what you can do to help keep your dog healthy and active.

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IBG dog

Canine Chronic Intestinal Inflammation (IBD)

Chronic intestinal inflammation in dogs – so-called IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) Do you also know these symptoms in your dog? Watery diarrhea Frequent defecation, up to 10 times per day Bloody, mucous feces Loud bowel noises, grumbling Refusal to eat Frequent vomiting Weight loss These symptoms occur in episodes, the intervals between attacks often become smaller and smaller

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Veterinarian Henrik Puho

Welcome veterinarian Henrik Puho

Veterinarian Henrik Puho started working with us in January. Mr. Puho is a senior assistant veterinarian specializing in dental treatments and pets. In the field of teeth, he is currently undergoing further training to become a general practitioner for teeth. Previously, Mr Puho practiced for four years in two small animal practices in, among others, Budapest / Hungary. He had his last position

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