TPLO dog planning

We offer advanced TPLO surgery for dogs to restore mobility and quality of life for your beloved pet. TPLO stands for tibial plateau angle modification and is a surgical procedure specifically designed to treat dogs with cruciate ligament tears.

TPLO operation
Cruciate ligament tear dog TPLO planning

What is a cruciate ligament tear in dogs?

A cruciate ligament tear is a common injury in dogs and can occur due to injury or age-related wear and tear. It occurs when the cruciate ligament that stabilizes the knee joint tears or tears. A torn cruciate ligament causes pain, lameness and instability in the knee joint.

Why TPLO surgery?

TPLO surgery is an effective method for treating cruciate ligament tears in dogs. Unlike other procedures that involve replacing the cruciate ligament, TPLO surgery modifies the angle of the tibial plateau, thereby reducing stress on the knee joint. This makes the knee joint more stable and the dog's mobility is restored.

What can my dog ​​expect during the operation?

Before surgery, your dog will be thoroughly examined and an x-ray will be taken to determine the degree of injury and the severity of the condition. During the surgery, your dog will be placed under general anesthesia and the damaged cruciate ligament will be removed. The tibial plateau is then modified and the bones are stabilized by a metal plate. The operation usually takes 2-3 hours.

What happens after the operation?

After surgery, your dog will be closely monitored and given pain medications and antibiotics to minimize pain and infection. Your dog may need to wear a collar or splint to stabilize and protect the knee joint. The recovery time after surgery is usually 8-12 weeks, during which your dog will require rest and exercise restrictions. Regular follow-up visits and physical therapy are necessary to ensure your dog makes a full recovery.

Our experience and expertise

Our team of experienced veterinarians has extensive experience performing TPLO surgeries on dogs. We work closely with you to ensure your dog receives the best possible treatment and care. We use only the latest technologies and instruments to maximize the accuracy and effectiveness of the operation. Since the existing systems were not good enough for us and mostly only consisted of stainless steel, we worked directly with a manufacturer to develop a titanium version of the TPLO plates, which is better tolerated and lighter than the conventional plates.

Conclusion / Any questions?

If you believe your dog has a torn cruciate ligament, TPLO surgery is an effective method for restoring your pet's mobility and quality of life. We offer comprehensive TPLO treatment that includes:

carried out by an experienced team of veterinarians. We pride ourselves on providing our patients with individualized attention and high-quality care to ensure their rapid and complete recovery.

We understand that your dog's health and well-being is of the utmost importance to you. That's why we work hard to ensure our TPLO surgeries meet the highest standards and provide our patients with a quick recovery and improved mobility.

Our small animal center also offers a variety of other services to ensure your dog's health and well-being. This includes preventive examinations, vaccinations, nutritional advice and teeth cleaning. We pride ourselves on providing our patients with comprehensive, high-quality care to ensure they can live happy, healthy lives.

Our small animal center values ​​communication with our patient owners and we are happy to discuss any questions or concerns. We want you to feel fully informed and reassured when it comes to your dog's health.

We understand that TPLO surgery is a serious procedure and that your dog's recovery after surgery plays an important role. That's why we provide thorough monitoring and post-operative care to ensure your dog experiences a speedy recovery and can return to an active life as quickly as possible.

Our center has state-of-the-art facilities and technology to ensure our patients receive the best possible care. Our experienced veterinarians and nursing teams work hard to ensure that every dog ​​that enters our small animal center receives individual attention and care tailored to their specific needs.

Overall, TPLO surgery is one of the best options for treating cruciate ligament tears in dogs. We are proud to offer comprehensive TPLO treatment performed by experienced veterinarians (usually Ms. Arndt herself and/or senior physician Sheila Martins) to ensure your dog makes a quick and complete recovery.

In summary, TPLO surgery is an effective method of treating cruciate ligament tears in dogs, providing improved mobility and quality of life. We are an experienced and dedicated team of veterinarians who pride ourselves on providing the best possible care and support to our patients. If you have any further questions about our TPLO surgery or other services, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Are you also interested in other cruciate ligament surgery methods that we offer? Then please click here .

We have also created an extra information page on the topic of cruciate ligament tears in dogs.

If you require further information or would like to make an appointment, please do not hesitate to contact us. We're here to help:


Appointment request payable
I am interested in information about the following cruciate ligament surgery methods (multiple choices possible):

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graph TD A(cruciate ligament tear) -- pain and instability --> B(surgery required) B -- TPLO surgery --> C(improved mobility) C -- 8-12 weeks recovery --> D(full recovery)
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