IBG dog

Chronic intestinal inflammation in dogs - so-called IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease)

Do you also know these symptoms in your dog?

  • watery diarrhea
  • frequent defecation, up to 10 times per day
  • bloody, slimy feces
  • loud bowel noises, grumbling
  • Refusal of food
  • frequent vomiting
  • weight loss

These symptoms occur in episodes , the intervals between episodes often become smaller and smaller and a permanent condition develops for many dogs and their owners.

chronic intestinal inflammation dog

If symptoms recur, the veterinarian will often make a suspected diagnosis : chronic intestinal inflammation, IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease).

Unfortunately, diagnosing IBD is difficult ; fecal tests, blood tests and endoscopic examinations of the intestine are necessary.

Successful treatment of IBD is even more difficult:

It is now known that an excessive immune system is a reason for the development of IBD. In many cases - without a reliable diagnosis of IBD - anti-inflammatory drugs such as cortisone, cyclosporine A, azathioprine, etc. are used, which achieve temporary improvement. Antibiotics further negatively change the already damaged intestinal flora.

Which dogs are most susceptible to developing IBD?

  • Working/herding dogs that are not busy working
  • Miniature lap dogs that are very close to humans
  • Traumatized dogs: e.g. separation of owners, stays in animal shelters, dogs abroad, very anxious and jumpy dogs

There is no cure for IBD.

Through consistent collaboration between owner and veterinarian, the burden of IBD can be controlled so that dog and owner can live with it:

1. A clear diagnosis of the disease,
2. Intensive advice about nutrition (not just the administration of diet food)
3. Integrative treatment of the disease; Integrative means only absolutely necessary conventional medical medications and the targeted administration of alternative medications and nutritional supplements, autologous blood treatments to regulate the immune system

Your Dr. Horst Dieter Krause  

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