Folliculitis in dogs

Folliculitis in dogs

Folliculitis - also known as hair follicle inflammation, is a common skin disease in dogs and is characterized by inflamed hair follicles. This condition can be attributed to a variety of causes. Here we provide a detailed guide on the diagnosis, causes, susceptibilities of certain dog breeds, treatment options and preventative measures of folliculitis in dogs.

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Elbow dysplasia in dogs

Elbow dysplasia in dogs

Elbow dysplasia, a hereditary disease in dogs, occurs in various forms. These include fragmented medial ulnar coronoid process (FCP), isolated anconeal process (IPA), and osteochondrosis (OCD). All of these diseases are growth-related diseases that unfortunately cannot be cured.

FCP and OCD are among the most common causes of lameness in young dogs. They typically occur between four and five months when the dog is in the central growth phase.

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