Animal Welfare Act

Cat protection regulations of the city of Karlsruhe

Cat protection regulations of the city of Karlsruhe

The “Cat Protection Ordinance of the City of Karlsruhe”, which was passed in June 2023 and comes into force on January 1, 2024, is an important step towards promoting animal protection and controlling the population of free-roaming cats in the city. This regulation, based on the Animal Welfare Act, aims to reduce the suffering and health risks to free-roaming and free-roaming cats by imposing specific measures such as neutering, identification and registration requirements for cat owners. These measures are intended not only to ensure the well-being of the animals, but also to harmonize the coexistence of humans and animals in the urban environment of Karlsruhe.

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Castration bitch

Castration bitch

Castration of female dogs and sterilization of female dogs are two different surgical procedures. While sterilization only involves cutting the fallopian tubes and thus preventing fertilization, castration involves removing the ovaries and sometimes also the uterus. Castration therefore not only has the effect of infertility, but also affects the bitch's hormonal balance.

There are medical reasons for spaying a dog, such as preventing certain diseases or complications related to the reproductive system. It can also help with certain behavioral problems, although the effect varies from dog to dog.

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