Cat lover

Burmese head defect

Burmese head defect

Burmese head defect (BKH) is a genetic abnormality that occurs specifically in the Burmese cat breed. This condition affects the growth and development of the skull and can lead to significant health problems. In this in-depth article, we explore the causes, symptoms and treatment options for Burmese Head Defect to provide cat owners and breeders with a comprehensive understanding and to help them provide the best possible care for their animals.

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Progressive retinal atrophy in cats

Progressive retinal atrophy in cats

Welcome to our guide to progressive retinal atrophy in cats. This condition, often referred to simply as PRA, is a significant health challenge for affected cats and their owners. In this article we examine the most important aspects of progressive retinal atrophy, from diagnosis to treatment to the necessary adjustments in everyday life with an affected cat. Our goal is to give you a deep understanding of this disease and to give helpful tips on how you can make your cat's life as pleasant and fulfilling as possible despite PRA.

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