Hamster care

Hamster doesn't sleep

Hamster doesn't sleep

Hamsters are small but fascinating pets that have won the hearts of many animal lovers. Like all animals, hamsters have specific needs and behaviors that need to be understood in order to give them a healthy and happy life. A common concern among hamster owners is the sleeping habits of their furry friends. In this article, we discuss the topic of “hamster not sleeping” in detail and provide valuable insights and solutions for concerned hamster parents.

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Hamster diseases

Hamster diseases

Hamsters are adorable little creatures, but they can also be susceptible to various diseases. Some common illnesses that can affect hamsters are colds, diarrhea, skin diseases and tumors. Healthy living and disease prevention can be promoted through a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a clean, safe home.

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Hamster husbandry

Hamster husbandry

Hamsters are fascinating and delicate animals whose cuteness appeals to all ages. However, it is important to understand that hamsters, whether they are golden hamsters, dwarf hamsters or other species, are not cuddly animals. They are demanding creatures with specific needs that, if ignored, can cause stress and discomfort. Their natural life cycle is largely nocturnal, which makes them less suitable for the average nursery routine.

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