Podenco help presented by Podenco's Help Filato - a great animal welfare organization

Podenco: A fascinating and often misunderstood four-legged friend

The Podenco is more than just a breed of dog; it is at the heart of a millennia-old history and a culture that both values ​​and often neglects it.

Origin and history

The roots of podenco go back thousands of years. Some theories say that it descends from the ancient Egyptian dogs that later came to Spain with the Phoenicians. Drawings and statues depicting this elegant, slender dog have been found in pharaonic tombs, attesting to its long history.

Characteristic features

The Podenco is characterized by its slim, muscular body, large, alert ears and bright eyes. Depending on the region, there are different types of Podencos, which can differ in size and coat color.


Despite the often difficult circumstances many Podencos have to live in, they are known for their friendly and loving temperament. They are intelligent, energetic and have a strong hunting instinct. Their sensitive nature requires gentle training and a lot of patience.

care and needs

Podencos are active dogs that require lots of exercise and mental stimulation. Their thin skin and short fur make them vulnerable to cold, so they should be kept warm in colder climates. They are social animals that seek closeness and bonding with their humans. It is important to meet their need for communication and interaction.

The situation in Spain and beyond

Unfortunately, in many parts of Spain and other countries, Podencos are often victims of neglect and abuse. They are valued primarily for their hunting instinct, but they are often abandoned or mistreated after the hunting season ends. This has mobilized many animal rights activists and organizations to advocate for the rights and well-being of podencos.

Conclusion: An exceptional companion

The Podenco is not only a beautiful and elegant dog, but also a living symbol of a history that goes back thousands of years. Anyone who has the privilege of sharing their life with a dog like this will quickly realize how special and unique this breed is. It is up to us to work to protect and value these amazing dogs so that their story continues to be one of love and respect.

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Why are we introducing this organization here?

Fiore, the Deaf Podenco Dog: A Story of Hope

given the opportunity to welcome Fiore into our family through the remarkable organization “ Podenco’s Help Filato Fiore is not like other dogs; she is deaf. But what she may lack in hearing, she more than makes up for in her boundless love, trust and incomparable courage to live.

Adopting a dog with special needs certainly comes with challenges. It requires patience, understanding and often a different way of communicating. But Fiore showed us that the language of the heart is loud and clear. Her quiet nature has provided a calm presence in our home, and her progress and adaptability have been nothing short of inspiring.

Through "Podenco's Help Filato" we not only received a loyal companion, but also the chance to change the life of a special dog and enrich our own lives at the same time. Fiore reminds us every day that love knows no boundaries and that every living being, no matter what their challenges, deserves the chance at a loving home. Our journey with Fiore is a constant lesson in compassion, resilience and the deep connection that can arise between humans and animals.

Who is Podenco's Help Filato ? A journey full of hope and commitment

The Podencos are not just dogs. They are symbols of hope, survival and unwavering strength. At Podenco's Help Filato, people are passionate about giving these animals a better life. Your vision and dream are clear, and with this article we want to take you on this important journey.

The Podenco Problem: An Overview

Many do not know that thousands of Podencos are abandoned or abused every year in Spain and other parts of the world. Bred as hunting dogs, they are often discarded after a hunting season as they are considered "useless." This tragic fate caught Podenco's Help Filato's attention and motivated them to found Podenco's Help Filato.

Your mission: More than just rescue

Podenco's Help Filato's work goes beyond simply rescuing these animals. They strive to find a safe and loving home for every Podenco they rescue. Through education and awareness, they aim to raise awareness of their plight while combating the culture of rejection and abuse.

The dream: A refuge for podencos

Podenco's Help Filato's biggest dream is to buy a site in Spain and create a refuge for Podencos there. A place where they can run free, play and live a normal dog life while waiting for their forever home. Such a place would not only help the animals directly, but also serve as an educational center where people would be informed about the needs and value of these wonderful dogs.

Community: Together we are stronger

We firmly believe that with the support of the community we can make this dream come true. Every donation, every help and everyone who shares your message brings you one step closer to making this dream come true.

Conclusion: Be part of the change

Podencos deserve to be loved and valued just like any other living creature. Podenco's Help Filato's vision is clear, and with your help they can make a real difference. Every contribution, big or small, has the potential to change lives. Become part of our journey and help Podenco's Help Filato make the world a better place for Podencos.


Associacio de Podenco's Help Filato
Apartado Correos, 93
E-43894 Camarles/Tarragona

Bank Sabadell

IBAN: ES47 0081 0130 0600 0150 0656

Account No. 0081-0130-06-0001500656

A short video introduction:

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Our appeal

Podenco's Help Filato is more than just an organization - it's a movement dedicated to rescuing and supporting an often overlooked breed of dog. Through the consistent work of “Podenco Help”, countless dogs have been rescued and placed in loving homes. Podenco's Help Filato is committed to raising awareness of the plight of Podencos and giving them a voice.

With every dog ​​rescued, Podenco Help sets an example against neglect and for the dignity of every animal. The work of Podenco's Help Filato goes beyond pure rescue. The organization provides education, support and training to ensure every Podenco has the best possible chance at a happy life.

Thanks to Podenco's Help Filato, many families are lucky enough to experience the love and loyalty of a Podenco. Every success, every story and every life saved is a testament to the determination and passion with which Podenco Help works. The vision of Podenco's Help Filato is clear: a world where every Podenco is valued and loved.

The journey of Podenco's Help Filato may be challenging, but with the support and dedication of animal lovers worldwide, hope remains. Podenco's Help Filato shows us that change is possible and that compassion and action can make a real difference.

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