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healthiest cat breeds

Healthiest Cat Breeds

When it comes to the health and well-being of our four-legged companions, many factors play a role. One of them is the breed of the cat. Some cat breeds are known for their hardiness and low susceptibility to disease, making them ideal companions for those who want to live with their pet as worry-free as possible. In this article, we look at some of the healthiest cat breeds and their characteristics to help you choose the perfect furry friend.

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Hamster diseases

Hamster diseases

Hamsters are adorable little creatures, but they can also be susceptible to various diseases. Some common illnesses that can affect hamsters are colds, diarrhea, skin diseases and tumors. Healthy living and disease prevention can be promoted through a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a clean, safe home.

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Canine splenic hemangiosarcoma (HSA)

This study examines the genomic alterations in canine splenic hemangiosarcoma (HSA), a severe form of cancer that affects endothelial cells in dogs and is characterized by its aggressiveness and short survival. The research aims to develop a fundamental understanding of the genomic landscape of HSA to develop therapeutic strategies for dogs and to gain insights into human angiosarcoma, a comparable and rare aggressive cancer.

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Kennel cough

Kennel cough

Kennel cough, also known as infectious tracheobronchitis, is a highly contagious respiratory disease that affects dogs. It mainly occurs in dogs that have close contact with their peers, such as in kennels, animal shelters or at dog shows. The disease can be caused by various viruses and bacteria that infect the dog's upper respiratory tract.

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SRMA in dogs

SRMA in dogs

SRMA, known as steroid-responsive meningitis-arteritis, is a serious condition known primarily in young beagles. Today we will provide detailed information about the symptoms, diagnostic procedures, treatment options and prevention measures of this disease in order to provide a clear and precise overview.

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Dog from abroad

Dog from abroad

The import of dogs from abroad is experiencing an increasing trend in various European nations. Globally, countless dogs exist in conditions that are not species-appropriate: many are strays, many come from unregulated breeding establishments and some are even used for food. This situation has motivated various charitable institutions and autonomous associations to import dogs in order to enable them to be adopted in a more animal-friendly country. Although these dogs often desperately need a new home, there are a number of aspects to consider when integrating such an animal.

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