
Parvovirus in dogs

Parvovirus in dogs

Parvovirus is a serious threat to your dog's well-being. This disease, often known as canine disease, is caused by Canine Parvovirus. In this article, we will discuss in detail the various aspects of parvovirosis, including its causes, symptoms, diagnostic methods, treatment options, and prevention strategies.

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Dementia in cats

Dementia in cats

In this article we explore the topic of dementia in cats - a condition that is often overlooked but can have a significant impact on the quality of life of our beloved pets. We offer comprehensive information about symptoms, diagnosis and treatment, as well as valuable tips for caring for demented cats.

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Dental problems in guinea pigs

Dental problems in guinea pigs

Guinea pigs are popular pets that require special care and nutrition. A central element for your well-being are your teeth. Guinea pigs' teeth grow continuously, which requires special attention to avoid dental problems. In this article we will go into detail about the various aspects of the condition of teeth in guinea pigs, possible problems and forms of treatment as well as preventive measures.

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Polyneuropathy in cats

Polyneuropathy in cats

Polyneuropathy in cats is a disease that affects the peripheral nervous system, which consists of the nerves that lie outside the brain and spinal cord. This disease can have various causes, including genetic predisposition, infections, toxins, metabolic disorders or immune-mediated processes. The symptoms and severity of the disease can vary greatly, but they usually affect the cat's motor and sensory functions.

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