Gastric torsion dog

Stomach torsion dog - symptoms, treatment and prevention

Introduction to the topic: Gastric torsion in dogs

As dog owners, we know that our four-legged friends are essential family members. We do everything we can to ensure your health and well-being. But sometimes a dangerous disease like gastric torsion can occur, threatening the life of our beloved dog. In this article, you'll learn everything you need to know about stomach torsion in dogs, including symptoms, treatment, and prevention.

Symptoms of gastric torsion in dogs

Canine stomach torsion is an acute condition that occurs when the dog's stomach twists and blood vessels and digestive organs become cut off. Symptoms are usually dramatic and include:

  • Bloated stomach
  • Restlessness and discomfort
  • Vomiting (without the dog actually spitting anything out)
  • Try to vomit or gag
  • Drooling
  • Weakness and unconsciousness

Treatment of gastric torsion in dogs

Stomach torsion in dogs is a medical emergency and every minute counts. If you suspect that your dog is suffering from gastric torsion, you should consult a veterinarian immediately. Treatment for stomach torsion usually consists of surgery to empty and untangle the stomach and repair any organs that may be damaged. In some cases, a blood transfusion may be necessary.

Gastric torsion surgery for dogs

After a clear diagnosis has been made using X-ray images, an immediate emergency operation is necessary for stabilization . Before the operation, however, shock must first be combated by intravenous infusions in order to reduce the risk of anesthesia to a minimum. During this time, a comprehensive blood analysis is carried out in order to identify possible further complications at an early stage and to be able to take appropriate measures.

During the operation, the abdominal cavity is opened and the stomach is first gassed. Subsequent lavage of the stomach via a tube inserted through the esophagus can usually result in the removal of foreign bodies or contaminants. However, if part of the stomach wall has died, it must be resected immediately to prevent further spread of tissue decay.

If the spleen has also died due to the twisting, immediate removal is essential. Following the operation, the stomach is fixed to the abdominal wall using gastropexy to prevent the organ from rotating again and to ensure a successful outcome of the operation.

After the gastric torsion operation in dogs has been completed, the patient's condition is closely monitored in order to identify possible postoperative complications at an early stage and treat them if necessary. Particular attention is paid to the function of the cardiovascular system, breathing and digestion.

In addition to regular monitoring, aftercare also includes targeted pain therapy and an appropriate diet tailored to the patient's needs. Physiotherapy can also help promote regeneration and minimize the risk of complications.

Close cooperation between the treating doctors, the nursing staff and the patient himself is of great importance in order to achieve optimal therapeutic success with gastric torsion in dogs and to ensure the best possible recovery process.

Prevention of gastric torsion in dogs

Stomach torsion in dogs cannot be completely avoided, but there are steps you can take to reduce the risk. Here are some tips to prevent gastric torsions in dogs:

  • Feed your dog several small meals per day instead of one large meal.
  • Avoid feeding your dog right before or after training.
  • Make sure your dog is inactive for at least an hour after eating.
  • Use slow feeding bowls to prevent your dog from eating too quickly.
  • Avoid giving your dog too much water at once.

Frequently asked questions:

Can every dog ​​suffer from gastric torsion?

No, but certain breeds, particularly large, deep-chested dogs, are at higher risk than others.

Can older dogs suffer from gastric torsion?

Yes, older dogs are more prone to gastroenteritis than young dogs.

Can gastric torsion be corrected on its own?

No, gastric torsion is a medical emergency and requires immediate veterinary attention. If left untreated, it can be fatal.

How long does the recovery period take after gastric torsion?

The recovery period depends on the severity of the disease and the treatment. However, dogs usually need several weeks to recover after gastric torsion.

Can I give my dog ​​preventive medication for stomach upset?

There are no specific medications to prevent gastric torsion in dogs. However, it is important to comply with preventive measures.

Gastric torsion dog
Gastric torsion dog - information 4


Stomach torsion in dogs is a dangerous disease that every dog ​​owner should be aware of. It is important to know the symptoms and to see a veterinarian immediately if you suspect gastric torsion. By following certain preventative measures, you can reduce the risk of gastric torsion in your dog. Your dog relies on you to help him stay healthy and happy, so be vigilant and pay attention to his health.

Remember that gastric torsion in dogs is a medical emergency and every minute counts. If you suspect that your dog is suffering from gastric torsion, do not hesitate and consult a veterinarian immediately. It's better to go to the vet once too often than to act too late and endanger your dog's life.

As dog owners, it is our responsibility to educate ourselves about diseases and illnesses that could harm our dogs. With the right preventive measures and quick action in an emergency, we can help protect the lives of our beloved four-legged friends.

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