Always impressive and horrifying at the same time - what were people thinking by changing the dog's anatomy so much?! Just today we operated on the airways of such a small Bulli, but no surgery in the world can bring about normal conditions.  ????

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Want to know why brachycephalic (short nosed) breeds suffer for their looks? Just compare these x-rays!

1) The difference in the length of the nose is shocking, especially when you realize there is the same amount of internal tissue in both. In the Bulldog it is squashed into that tiny space, making it hard for the air to get through and for the dog to breathe.

2) There is the same amount of skin on the faces of both dogs but in the Bulldog this is all wrinkled together, leaving them prone to painful skin infections between the folds.

3) Look at how deformed the upper jaw of the Bulldog is, this will make it hard to eat properly and cause painful dental disease because the teeth will be so over-crowded

4) On an x-ray, air is black and tissue is white. Compare the difference in the amount of air space at the top of the windpipe. Brachycephalics are strictly restricted in this area, this is why they snore and pant so much.

5) The black stripe running down the neck of each dog is the trachea (windpipe). Look how narrow it is for the Bulldog compared to the Labrador. The final insult is when the air finally does get past all the blockages for the snort nosed dog, the diameter of the trachea means it can't reach the lungs, and deliver vital oxygen, almost as easily as a more 'normal' breed.

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