Just like with us humans, the aging process cannot be stopped in our pets - as animals get older, however, it can be delayed and the consequences mitigated with optimal medical care. The quality of life can be significantly improved. The sooner a suffering
The more successful the therapy will be, the more successful the therapy will be. Since the aging process, which begins at the age of 7 - 8 depending on the breed, is often first shown in behavioral changes, it is essential that the animal be closely observed by its owner. We veterinarians often cannot recognize these behavioral changes in practice.
Here we depend on your observations and explanations. These behavioral changes that can be observed can be seen, for example, in
  • diminished temperament
  • reduced sociability
  • changed sleeping habits
  • Disorientation
  • reduced house cleanliness
  • changed eating behavior
However, many changes can only be detected or diagnosed with certainty with a blood test. Changes in the organs thyroid, kidney, liver, etc. can be detected and treated in the early stages with a blood test.
The majority of these age-related changes can be treated gently and effectively in the early stages through naturopathic treatment.
In this way you can visibly delay the aging process.
If you have noticed any changes in your older pet and are concerned, please contact us and we will be happy to advise you.
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