By becoming a member of the ISFM, the practice's veterinarians and veterinary staff support the goals of this international organization to improve the treatment of cats worldwide:

  • In order to not only provide a global resource for feline medicine/surgery veterinarians, but also provide additional welfare information for cats, our practice provides additional information from practitioners to patient owners in the consultation room
  • The aim continues to be top quality scientifically published and clinically oriented practice, which is regularly published Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery
  • International conferences enable the exchange of specialist knowledge on an international level
  • The aim is to have internationally recognized practitioners with appropriate cat qualifications
  • Develop guidelines and policies on important and relevant cat issues
  • to work with other organizations for the health and welfare of cats
  • To spread knowledge of best practices worldwide

The ultimate beneficiaries are cats all over the world!

Further information about the International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM) can be found here.

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